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So it’s time.

For those who care about Britain.

Who want fairness, decency and the rule of law back.

Who want honesty back.

Who want truth back.

Who want compassion back.

Who want real action – not cheap slogans – to address systemic inequality.

Who want a government that really gets it, and really means it, on climate change.

Who want real, urgent investment in the NHS and its people.

Who want leaders who genuinely support our workers, our professions, our institutions and all our people, and never use their position to deploy the socially corrosive tactic of ‘divide and rule’.

Who want smooth, cost-free trade with Europe back.

Who want security of supply back. Fuel and energy. Fresh food. Drugs and vital chemicals.

Who want clean waterways and beaches back.

Who want grown-up, constructive, friendly relations between this great country and its neighbours, not the instability and dishonour of reckless threats to break international law.

It’s time to #takebackBritain from the kamikaze ideologues who sold us “take back control” – but delivered chaos and division.

It’s time, in short, for nothing less than regime change.

Some of us may have been willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt – to wait and see whether they really meant what they promised. Whether they really could deliver.

But it has become clearer with each passing day that they are nothing but a lethal mix of libertarian ideology and money-grubbing impropriety; of arrogance and incompetence; of slogans and sleaze.

Britain deserves better.